

대장금,la gran jang geum,dae jang geum,大長今,جواهری در قصر,یانگوم,Великая Чан Гым,the great jang-geum

1h 41m
Released at: 10/25/2002 (US)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

Rahul Seth is a dashing young millionaire who believes he is "western" enough to rebel against his mother and grandmother. They are not too keen about his Caucasian girlfriend Kimberly who, to make matters worse, is a pop star. Before you can say "karmic intervention," Kimberly dies in a freak accident and Rahul is devastated. Instead of allowing him to mourn in peace, Rahul's mother sees the opportunity she's been waiting for. She threatens to call off his sister's wedding unless he finds himself a "nice Indian girl." Rahul enlists the services of Sue, a fiercely independent escort whom he believes to be Hispanic, and therefore not "married" to the conventions taught to young Indian women. With a wink in her eye, Sue accepts the deal to pose as his Indian bride-to-be. She needs the money and having never been a fan of the typical Indian male, she feels her heart is safe. The charade begins....

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Lee Young-ae

Seo Jang-geum (54 Episodes)

Rahul Seth

Lisa Ray

Sue (Sunita) Singh

Ji Jin-hee

Min Jeong-ho (54 Episodes)

Im Ho

King Jungjong (54 Episodes)

Lee Se-eun

Park Yeol-yi (54 Episodes)

Dina Pathak

Grandma ji