

Can Love Overcome a Curse

1h 30m
Released at: 11/23/2011 (FR)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

The elder one of each generation in the Furlong family is equipped with an extraordinary capacity. James discovers the nature of his at the time of an accident which causes the death of his father and his grandmother. Haunted by this mysterious evil he hides in a forest not to harm anybody. A few years later, Mae also takes refuge it in the forest and meets James.

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Lee Joon-gi

Baek Hee-sung / Do Hyun-soo (16 Episodes)

James Furlong

Moon Chae-won

Cha Ji-won (16 Episodes)

Jang Hee-jin

Do Hae-soo (16 Episodes)

Seo Hyun-woo

Kim Moo-jin (16 Episodes)

Mrs. O'Mara


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