
Tora-san's Sunrise and Sunset

男はつらいよ 寅次郎夕焼け小焼け,tora-san's sunset glow,男はつらいよ 17,torasan and the painter,otoko wa tsurai yo 17

1h 49m
Released at: 07/23/1976 (JP)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

Tora-san arrives in Shibamata on Mitsuo's first day of school only to find that on his account, Mitsuo was embarrassed. After a fight with his family, he goes to a bar to drink, then brings home a surly old man with a sad story, whose identity will surprise everyone. Later, Tora meets Botan, a geisha.

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Natalia Uribe / Paulina Andrade de Uzcátegui (1 Episode)

Kiyoshi Atsumi

Torajiro Kuruma

Eleonora Vega de Moncada (1 Episode)

Luís Manuel Moncada Vega (1 Episode)

Luís Manuel Moncada Vega (1 Episode)