
A Chinese Ghost Story II

The Ultimate Ghost Saga Continues.

1h 44m
Released at: 07/13/1990 (HK)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

Several years after his beloved Nieh has gone, Ning is innocently put into jail. Luckily, he meets a scholar, Elder Chu Kot, in the prison who finally helps him escape. Ning then meets a young witty monk Autumn. They become friends and live in an abandoned villa together. The villa is horrific, yet they choose to stay for a while. Later that night, some ghosts suddenly appear and attack; two parties fight heavily. But after clarifications, Ning and Autumn find that "the ghosts" are humans in disguise, who intend to save their leader from imprisonment but not hurting innocence. Among them, Ning finds someone who looks identical to Nieh, and considers she is the reincarnated Nieh. A real giant zombie has seen all these in behind and is ready to ambush.

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Leslie Cheung

Ning Choi San

— (52 Episodes)

Joey Wong

Windy Fu Ching Fung

Wu Ma

Swordsman Yan

Waise Lee

Swordsman Hu

Michelle Reis

Moon Fu Yuet Chi

Shun Lau

Imperial High Priest

Lau Siu-Ming

Lord Fu Tin Chau