
In the Heat of the Sun

阳光灿烂的日子,yángguāng cànlàn de rìzi,sous la chaleur du soleil,yang guang can lan de ri zi

2h 14m
Released at: 08/21/1995 (CN)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

The film is set in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution. It is told from the perspective of Ma Xiaojun nicknamed Monkey, a teenage boy. Monkey and his friends are free to roam the streets of Beijing day and night because the Cultural Revolution has caused their parents and most adults to be either busy or away. The story revolves around Monkey's dalliances with his roguish male friends and his subsequent angst-filled crush with Mi Lan.

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Xia Yu

Ma Xiaojun

Shuo Wang

Small-time Conman

Jiang Wen

Adult Ma Xiaojun

Geng Le

Liu Yiku

Hong Tao

Yu Beipei

Liu Xiaoning

Adult Liu Yiku