
10 Plus 10

A collection of twenty short films by twenty different directors, all about Taiwan.

1h 54m
Released at: 12/16/2011 (TW)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

10+10 is a project initiated by the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival to demonstrate the solidarity between Taiwanese film-makers. 20 directors are invited to make a 5-minute short film each on the theme of the “Uniqueness of Taiwan,” but allowed total freedom in all other aspects.

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The Young Woman (segment "La Belle Epoque")

Gwei Lun-mei

Li, the young woman (segment "Key")

Lawrence Ko

Liu Chi's lover (segment "Hippocamp Hair Salon")

Joseph Chang

The Man (segment "Lane 256")

Jack Kao

Chou Wei-te's father (segment "Reverberation")

Lu Yi-Ching

Chou Wei-te's mother (segment "Reverberation")

Peggy Tseng

The Older Woman (segment "The Debut")

Ko I-Chen

Salon Owner (segment "Hippocamp Hair Salon")

Zaizai Lin

Customer (segment "Something's Gotta Give")