


1h 59m
Released at: 10/21/2013 (JP)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

Shinobu Takamura is an aspiring painter. One day, she is accused of using counterfeit money. Shinobu is confused by the allegation, because she never did such a thing and was at home when the crime occurred. Police Officer Kanou then appears and takes her to a place. When they get there, a group of people are already gathered. All of the people there are concerned over a doppelganger like existence that looks just like them and acts like them. They call that existence "bilocation".

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Shinobu Takamura / Kirimura

Kento Senga

Takumi Mitarai

Sho Takada

Yoshie Kaga

Kenichi Takitoh

Takashi Kano

Yosuke Asari

Masaru Komura

Wakana Sakai

Mayumi Isii

Makoto Iitsuka‎