
Tezuka's Barbara

Macoto Tezuka brings Osamu Tezuka's erotic manga to life through the lens of Christopher Doyle.

1h 40m
Released at: 11/20/2020 (JP)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

Barbara is an adult-orientated fantasy tale filled with love and the occult from Osamu Tezuka's reimagining of "The Tales of Hoffmann". Its story deals with the erotic and bizarre experiences of a famous novelist called Yosuke Mikura whose life is tossed upside down by a mysterious girl named "Barbara".

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Goro Inagaki

Yosuke Mikura

Kiyohiko Shibukawa

Hiroyuki Yotsuya


Shigako Satomi

Moemi Katayama

Maname Sugata


Ryosuke Otani

Gonpachiro Satomi


Kazunari Shitou