
Long Day's Journey into Night

地球最后的夜晚,diqiu zuihou de yewan,roadside picnic,un grand voyage vers la nuit,지구 최후의 밤,di qiu zui hou de ye wan,คืนรักปริศนา

2h 18m
Released at: 12/31/2018 (CN)
Budget: $13,000,000.00
Revenue: -

Luo Hongwu returns to Kaili, the hometown from which he fled many years ago. He begins the search for the woman he loved and whom he has never been able to forget.

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Tang Wei

Wan Qiwen

Huang Jue

Luo Hongwu

Sylvia Chang

Wild Cat's Mother

Chen Yongzhong

Zuo Hongyuan

Duan Chun-hao

Wan Qiwen's Ex-husband

Bi Yanmin

Woman Prisoner

Feiyang Luo

Child Wildcat