
21st Century Girl

15 short films with an animated end-title sequence by young women directors born in late ‘80s to ‘90s.

1h 57m
Released at: 09/03/2020 (KR)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

21st Century Girl is an omnibus feature that is of the girls, by the girls and for the girls. The work of 15 women directors under the age of 30, each of whom contributed an 8-minute film, the package highlights a range of genres, visions and thematic concerns.

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Serena Motola

(segment "Out of Fashion")

Ai Hashimoto

(segment "Low Resolution, High Emotion")

Aki Asakura

(segment "Mirror")

Sairi Ito

(segment "Projection")

Erika Karata

(segment "For Lonesome Blossoms")

Shizuka Ishibashi

(segment "Muse")

Ayu Kitaura

(segment "Anytime, anywhere")

Akari Kinoshita

(segment "I wanna be your cat")

Mei Kurokawa

(segment "Sex-less, Sex-friends")