
Kung Fu Wing Chun

Released at: 2010

With not much advertising done for this film, I thought this was some low budget movie out to grab some quick bucks from the recent Wing Chun sensation. However, I was proved wrong as it turns out that the whole show itself was rather funny and refreshing. Differentiating itself from the usual Wing Chun hero that is serious and tough, the director decided to cast the main lead this time as a tomboyish and humorous heroine. Watch her as she battle for righteous and love, and brings the audiences through her life story in the 110 minutes show. The only flaw I could find was in her 2 best friends final death scene. They are blabbering some conversation that was rather awkward and doesn't really fit into the picture before dropping dead at the same time. In summary, a worthwhile movie to watch for the weekend. (Yahoo Movies)

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