
Call Me by Ur Girl

请叫我乌雅氏, 請叫我烏雅氏, Qing Jiao Wo Wu Ya Shi

Released at: 2023

The host of the game system, U Ya Ye Zi, has gone through countless failed scripts and defeats. Mainly, in every game level, there would always be an angelic bitch who steals her boyfriends. This time, there was no surprise. But what she didn't know was that by her side, a marginal supporting character Du Qin had been caring her from the beginning to the end. Du Qin gradually upgraded from an unimportant NPC to another host of the system. And at a critical moment he saved U Ya Ye Zi. She finally understood that her life should not be designed to go. This time, she has to control her own destiny and save her lover.

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