
Best Friend

During the day friendly neighbour. At night suspicious wiretapping team. Enemy? or Friend?

2h 4m
Released at: 11/25/2020 (KR)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

Daekwon is the team leader of the surveillance team on the verge of getting a demotion. His mission is to be as an unemployed head of a household and monitor the politician's family who's been house arrested right after arrival from abroad for 24 hours a day with his team. Members of the surveillance team, who have moved into the next door disguised as a neighbor, discover secrets one by one, through monitoring all the sounds and behaviors of suspicious family members, from requests for a radio show to midnight rustling noises…

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Hwang Byung-guk

Director of the Press

Jung Woo


Kim Hee-won

Department Head Kim

Cho Hyun-chul


Yeom Hye-ran

Woman from Yeosu