
B for Busy

爱情神话,ai qing shen hua,myth of love

1h 52m
Released at: 12/24/2021 (CN)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

Miss Li leads her daughter to live a single life. Beibei, keen to dance tango after divorce. Gloria, her rich and leisurely husband is missing. Three completely different women meet because of Lao Bai, and become mixed. Shanghai Grand Uncle Lao Bai calls himself a miscellaneous specialist, specializes in teaching the elderly to paint. Lao Bai's friend, Lao Wu, talks witty and has pursued romance all his life. After a few meals, the living room of the Lai Bai's house becomes a gathering place for everyone. Three women and two men, in the modern city of Shanghai, they use wisdom and humor to portray various colors in the city.

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Xu Zheng

老白 / Lao Bai

Ma Yili

李小姐 / Miss Li

Wu Yue

蓓蓓 / Beibei

Ni Hongjie

格洛瑞亚 / Gloria

Zhou Yemang

老乌 / Lao Wu

Minghao Huang

白鸽 / Bai Ge

Wang Yinglu

洋洋 / Yangyang

Zhang Zhihua

白母 / Mother Bai

Wu Mian

李母 / Mother Li