
Survival Family

Hard times come again no more.

1h 57m
Released at: 02/11/2017 (JP)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

A world wide electrical outage occurs. Everything that requires electricity comes to a stop. Tokyo is nearly ruined. Yoshiyuki Suzuki decides to escape from Tokyo with his family.

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Yoshiyuki Suzuki

Eri Fukatsu

Mitsue Suzuki

Yūki Izumisawa

Kenji Suzuki

Wakana Aoi

Yui Suzuki

Saburo Tokito

Toshio Saitoh

Norika Fujiwara

Sizuko Saitoh

Takuro Ohno

Ryosuke Saitoh

Jun Shison

Shohei Saitoh

Miyabi Matsuura

Nakamura Satomi

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