

Her pupils murdered her daughter. She will have her revenge.

1h 47m
Released at: 06/05/2010 (JP)
Budget: -
Revenue: -

A psychological thriller of a grieving mother turned cold-blooded avenger with a twisty master plan to pay back those who were responsible for her daughter's death.

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Takako Matsu

Yuko Moriguchi

Masaki Okada

Yoshiteru Terada

Naoki's Mother

Yukito Nishii

Shuya Watanabe

Kaoru Fujiwara

Naoki Shimomura

Ai Hashimoto

Mizuki Kitahara

Naoki Ichii

Yusuke Hoshino

Kai Inowaki

Yuma Maekawa

Yuiko Kariya

Runa Miura