
Onoda: 10,000 Nights in the Jungle

onoda,10 000 nuits dans la jungle,onoda 一万夜を越えて,onoda: ichimanya o koete

2h 47m
Released at: 06/02/2022 (DE)
Budget: $4,700,000.00
Revenue: -

Japan, 1944. Trained for intelligence work, Hiroo Onoda, 22 years old, discovers a philosophy contrary to the official line: no suicide; stay alive whatever happens; the mission is more important than anything else. Sent to Lubang, a small island in the Philippines where the Americans are about to land, this role will be to wage a guerrilla war until the return of the Japanese troops. The Empire will surrender soon after; Onoda, 10,000 days later.

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