
Drive My Car

Go on living.

2h 59m
Released at: 08/20/2021 (JP)
Budget: -
Revenue: $15,308,325.00

Yusuke Kafuku, a stage actor and director, still unable, after two years, to cope with the loss of his beloved wife, accepts to direct Uncle Vanya at a theater festival in Hiroshima. There he meets Misaki, an introverted young woman, appointed to drive his car. In between rides, secrets from the past and heartfelt confessions will be unveiled.

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Toko Miura

Misaki Watari

Masaki Okada

Kōshi Takatsuki

Park Yu-rim

Lee Yoo-na

Jin Dae-yeon

Gong Yoon-su

Sonia Yuan

Janice Chang

Ahn Hwi-tae

Ryu Jong-ui

Perry Dizon

Roy Rossello